The SNPL philosophy affirms the company’s belief that people are its major asset, and that together they will sustain SNPL as an institution with vitality and perpetuity.
Self-managing Resource
We believe that each human being is a fundamentally different and unique resource, in that he/she is simultaneously a source, a resource, and the end of all economic and social activity. He/she is the means as well as the purpose. He/she is capable, willing and, in the normal course of evolution, developing.
We believe in the inherent potential of people. There are different kinds and degrees of potential, which can be developed and utilized in the context of task challenges, responsibility and commitment.
We believe that any apparent limitations in people are the result of a variety of circumstances and factors, and can be overcome with support, awareness and correction, following which, the potential has a chance to flower again.
Quality of Work Life
We believe that SNPL as a business institution can provide a high quality of work life for all its members through opportunities for a meaningful career, job satisfaction and professional development. Through this, SNPL members will contribute to quality of life in their interface with society.
We believe that people accept meritocracy as a just and equitable system, and contribute best under conditions of open opportunities and challenges and differential rewards commensurate with performance.
We believe that people can blend harmoniously the components in their membership of SNPL, namely leadership, fellowship and peer ship.
We believe that the design, implementation and update of human resource management systems, enhancement of skills, and creation of an enabling climate will facilitate the self-actualisation of us as individuals and of SNPL as a valued business institution.