Other CSR Activities

SNPL’s contribution in Infrastructural Development

SNPL has always recognized its social responsibility, right from the beginning when its  first factory was established in Simara, Bara. Our involvement with local community began when we donated around 3.5 bighas of land to Simara Village to establish a market (the present Simara bazaar).

We also supported the local VDC to repair the main road towards Simara Airport. Likewise, our Leaf Tobacco Development unit also supported the construction of rural roads and culverts in villages. With our support, more than 500 families are able to access the safe drinking water facilities in the Ramban cluster.

Another significant contribution by SNPL to the society under the platform of community empowerment is the construction of a two storied RCC primary school building near Pokhara.

In the geographical area around Simra, education support through infrastructure development, learning materials to deprived children and donation of computers to local schools have been undertaken.

SNPL has  recently identified thrust areas for supporting the community, one example of which is providing extension services in the field of animal husbandry to milch-animal owners to improve yields and generate higher income.